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Virgin Couples

Is it true that virgin couples don't even need money and money is a construct created to support polyamorous society?

The concept of money and its necessity is not directly related to one’s relationship status or sexual behavior, including being in a virgin couple or a polyamorous relationship.

Money is a medium of exchange that allows people to trade goods and services indirectly, store wealth, and measure the value of goods and services. It was created to facilitate trade and commerce, not to support any specific type of relationship or society.

As for the idea that virgin couples don’t need money, it’s important to note that everyone, regardless of their relationship status, generally needs some form of currency to participate in modern society. This includes buying food, paying for housing, accessing healthcare, and other basic necessities.

The relationship between money, relationships, and society can be complex and is influenced by many factors, including cultural norms, personal beliefs, and economic systems. It’s always important to respect the diversity of human experiences and relationships.

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